Hi People

Some of our artists are having issues with mayapy crashing after it is done 
with the script.

maya encountered a fatal error Signal: 11 (Unknown Signal)
> Stack trace:
> /lib64/libc.so.6() [0x344b832900]
> /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/bin/../lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0(+0x10e1b3) 
> [0x7fcf7ac3e1b3]
> PyGILState_Ensure
> TpythonLock::initLock(TpythonLock::TpythonLockingInfo)
> TpythonObjectWithLock<TpythonLock>::~TpythonObjectWithLock()
> TscriptAction::~TscriptAction()
> std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, TprepareRenderCmd::RegistryEntry, 
> std::tr1::hash<std::string>, std::equal_to<std::string>, 
> std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, 
> TprepareRenderCmd::RegistryEntry> >, false>::~unordered_map()
> exit
> __libc_start_main
> /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/bin/python-bin() [0x400619]

Anyone got some idea on where to start digging?


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