I'm following the "Getting Started with PyMel" docs here: 

My question is how to translate arguments and flags in the documentation into 
PyMel synatx. I'm confused what "f=1" means in the following code:

f=newFile(f=1) #start clean

The docs for newFile are as follows. Does f=1 correspond to the force 
flag=true? How do you specify the type of file?

def newFile(*args, **kwargs):
    Initialize the scene. Returns untitled scene with default location.
      - force:
          Force an action to take place. (new, open, save, remove reference) 
Used with removeReference to force remove reference
          namespace even if it has contents. Cannot be used with 
removeReference if the reference resides in the root namespace.
      - type:
          Set the type of this file. By default this can be any one of: 
"mayaAscii", "mayaBinary", "mel", "OBJ", "directory",
          "plug-in", "audio", "move", "EPS", "Adobe(R) Illustrator(R)", "image" 
plug-ins may define their own types as well.Return
          a string array of file types that match this file.
    Derived from mel command `maya.cmds.file`


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