Hey guys,

I see you've been busy with this while I've been asleep ;)

So, it seems you are totally right I cannot fetch the stylesheet, as the UI
needs to have been created using the qApp.setStylesheet(), which Autodesk
seems not to have done (?). Thanks to Tony's post about QPalette, I started
searching and so I found an old post on this list
added a few QPalette roles to the code in that email, and I'm very close to
matching the Maya UI now -- by fetching the QPalette groups/roles values,
writing those to file, and then setting that data along with the
"plastique" style in my own PySide UI.

In case anyone's interested:

I'm going to try to list all groups and roles as well as the style instead
of defining them in the code.

Also, I'm noticing that tab widgets don't look the same in Maya as in my
app which is now using the Maya palette data. Perhaps Autodesk did an
override of some sort on that widget type.

// Fredrik

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