Hey Timm,
I love PyMEL too and have been using it since 0.7 (don’t mean to be a
“topper” :) ) but I’m not worried about it. Here is why.

Paul Molodowitch maintains PyMEL. here is what he said:

First of all, PyMEL will continue to be maintained as long as Luma exists
and is using Maya, and I don’t see that changing in the near or distant
future. PyMEL has a strong following because it fills the many gaps in
Maya’s native python support, and the maya-python landscape in 2016 looks
almost exactly as it did nearly a decade ago when PyMEL first came into
existence, so the niche that it fills still exists. Studios continue to
have 3 choices: use PyMEL, suffer with maya.cmds, or rewrite their own
versions of PyMEL’s utilities.

It takes very little effort on Autodesk’s part to package PyMEL with Maya —
far, far less than it would to actually make the bare minimum of changes to
make PyMEL irrelevant. The API 2.0 overhaul is a good example of the
glacial pace of change on this front (released in 2013, then stagnated, and
still not complete in 2016). Their strategy for the past few years has been
to buy plugins in lieu of in-depth custom development, and the inclusion of
PyMEL was, and continues to be, in line with that strategy.

As for your developer’s comments, Autodesk has never taken a very active
part in PyMEL, so it’s not a completely unfair characterization, but their
general malaise has always existed and hasn’t gotten any worse. They
communicate with us when they need a new drop, and just the other day they
made a commit and pull request on github. Like you, I don’t really see them
discontinuing something that is used by many of their customers and which
takes almost no effort on their part to include.

I will be honest with you in saying that there are not any revolutionary
changes planned for PyMEL. There’s simply not much changing on Autodesk’s
end and therefore not much reason for us to innovate (we wrap their APIs,
after all). Speed would be one area of improvement, but to get a big gain
on the maya.cmds side we would need new hooks from Autodesk, and it’s not a
feature that sells licenses. We’ve considered porting the API calls to 2.0,
but it’s still unclear how much we would gain from such an overhaul or when
there will be complete coverage of all the c++ classes.

So, basically, PyMEL is not going away (even in the event that Autodesk
stopped including it as a site-package), and it’s still as solid a choice
as it has always been for all the same reasons.


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