#So i did a quick test and i post a incorrect answer previously:

import maya.cmds
import maya.OpenMaya 

targetNode = maya.cmds.createNode('transform')
maya.cmds.addAttr(targetNode, ln='input', m=True, v=True)

for index in [12, 13, 16, 23]:
    maya.cmds.setAttr('{0}.input[{1}]'.format(targetNode, index), index)

selList = maya.OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
maya.OpenMaya.MGlobal.getSelectionListByName(targetNode,  selList)
depNode = maya.OpenMaya.MObject()
selList.getDependNode(0, depNode) 

depUtils = maya.OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode(depNode)
inputPlug = depUtils.findPlug('input')

print inputPlug.name()
indices = maya.OpenMaya.MIntArray()
print indices
print inputPlug.numElements()

indexToRead = 0
print inputPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(indexToRead).name()

*elementByPhysicalIndex(indexToRead) == indices[indexToRead]*

elementByPhysicalIndex refers to relative index in your array
elementByLogicalIndex will mostly point out to the connection *slot *of the 
attribute ( the element hosting the data )

what is dangerous if you use elementByLogicalIndex is that maya will create 
an input/output element at this connection index if its empty(its the 
standard behavior by the way).
in your datablock it migh be better to avoid using MPlug ( you can do 
everything cleanly with attribute).

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