> I use the bug to ignore the error warning that i received .. like this  ##
> Error: ValueError: file <maya console> line 14: No object matches name:
> myCube1Shape #
> not sure whether I did the right thing or misuse the handling exceptions.

It is perfectly ok to `pass` exceptions if you know what you are doing.
This is a known technique in python, sometimes referred to as EAFP (stands
for `It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission`). You can find more
information here
However, it is strongly advised not to use a bare `except`, which causes
every exception to pass silently and not just the one you are anticipating.
You should only except what you can handle. In your case, just use except

def delcube(self, *args):
    sel = cmds.ls("myCube*", sl=True, dag=True, v=True, ud=False)
    myobj = "myCube*"
    for myobj in sel:
        if myobj == myobj:
            except ValueError:
                # Shape Node already deleted

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