Like the other people said its a scripting language, and your variable are 
strongly typed ( so what is the point of whining :its normal to be confused 
when to start using something new...)
most of what you said for string manipulation has an equivalent in mel ( 
just need to learn how the docs are organized )

SO yeah its more difficult but you dont need OOp everywhere certainly not 
and at a scripting level ( automation and normal user executing code they 
drag from the script editor...).

A lot of people tend to be lure into aesthetics part of code when its the 
functionality and robustness which matters ( code maintenance and upgrade 
is another beast ).
When you will be a bit more c++ savy you can create your how nodes a 
command to do the actual work i you dont like mel syntax (for other people 
we work together at ilion btw )?

Le vendredi 18 août 2017 17:08:56 UTC-5, Rudi Hammad a écrit :
> Hello,
> I recently started a job in a studio that relies only on Mel, where python 
> is officially forbidden to use. I never used mel before. Since I am 
> familiar with C++ it was easy to learn, but still, I would like to share 
> some thought and try to explain 
> why I don´t like it. I only know 3 languages, python, c++ and mel now, so 
> maybe you can shed some light and tell me if my thoughts are wrong or if 
> you agree:
> 1-Why do you need to declare the data types in a high level scripting 
> languages? Aren´t data types declaration supposed to help manage memory to 
> optimize your programs? Since mel is high level, do you really need 
> declaring data types?
> 2-the dollar sign before each variable. why? it feels that mel is not 
> smart enough to understand . It needs not only the declaration data type, 
> but also a $ to understand that you are creating a variable. 
> 3-working with strings is excruciating in Mel. In python, since everything 
> is an object you can access all the string methods. .capitalize(), .split() 
> etc... To do simple .split in mel, you have to create a empty array first, 
> then use a proc like tokenize, give it the name to split, where to do the 
> split, and cast it in the empty array, and finally, retrieve the index you 
> need in that array.... in python you simply do somehting like myName = 
> l_myControl_CTR.split("_CTR")[0]...
> 4- quote marks to have a variable take a return. so string $myArray[] = 
> `ls -sl`;
> 5- no default values on arguments?! you can' t do something like proc 
> myFunc(string $myName="foo", int $default=1)
> (6. Also of course not having dictionaries , no external library, no OOP, 
> no access to the API are also big things to consider)
> My point is not to criticize anyone using Mel. This list is just to help 
> me understand a bit better how scripting languages compare to each other.
> When you work in a studio with a huge Mel legacy you have to get along 
> with it. And I do, I already developed many thing is mel. My only problem 
> is that I am not allowed to use python, but it is what it is.
> Anyway, to sum up, for the reasons I exposed above, I find Mel not smart, 
> long, ugly, very painful when it comes to strings, and very limited.
> So as I said, my point is not to criticize Mel, but try to understand it a 
> little better. Do you agree with anything I said, or am I just crazy
> Thanks,
> R

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