I am trying to write a function that will first make a spiral staircase, 
and then distribute the staircase randomly.  I can get this script to 
generate only one spiral staircase, but it stops there. I can't get it to 
duplicate and distribute multiples of these. I have attached a logic path 
that I think the script should follow A,B,C,D (see attached image) Am I 
missing something ? 


Here is the code:
import maya.cmds as mc
import random

def distributeObjects(stairs=None):
    ''' This will make and randomly distribute a spiralStaircase '''
    checkTest = 0
    def makestairs():
        ''' first make one spiral staircase '''
        # make a dictionary
        steps = {'name':'Step','slide':5,'rotations':10,'spacing':1,
        # make masterGroup
        groupAllSteps = mc.group(name="Group"+stepName+"s", empty=True)
        for x in range (0,100):  
            #make stairs
            # make step
            stepObj = mc.polyCube(name=stepName+"#", w=5, h=steps.get(
'stepHeight'), d=steps.get('stepDepth'), ch=0)
            # make group
            stepGrp = mc.group(empty=True, name=stepName+'_Grp#')
            # parent stepObj to stepGrp
            mc.parent(stepObj, stepGrp)
            # rotate stepGrp
            mc.xform(stepGrp, ro=(0,(steps.get('rotations')*x),0))
            # transform stepObj
            mc.xform(stepObj[0], t=(steps.get('slide'),steps.get(
            # parent stepObj to masterGroup 
            mc.parent(stepObj, groupAllSteps)
            # delete stepGrp
            checkTest = 1
    def distributeStairs():
        ''' duplicate the pre-made spiral staircase X amount of times, and 
randomly distribute them '''
        for i in range (stairs): 
            trX = random.uniform(-30,30)
            trY = random.uniform(-30,30)
            trZ = random.uniform(-30,30)
            newGroup = mc.duplicate(GroupSteps,name=GroupSteps+i)

    if stairs >= 1:
    if checkTest == 1: 


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