No need for always on top, 2-3 monitors or just scale the windows :P

If you can provide an example maybe we could figure something out.

On Friday, November 10, 2017 at 12:51:06 PM UTC+1, Simone Tartaglia wrote:
> Thanks Michael and Balazs,
> I liked the logger option as it's faster and better than print(), but 
> unfortunately as Balazs says, it suffers of the same problem.
> Balazs, I've tried to set to DG and Serial and they also suffer of the 
> same problem, the output to console feedbacks only after mouse release.
> Using the stdout function, as suggested, works, but with the drawback that 
> only works in the output window and not in the console output.
> That means having the output windows in "always on top", it's definitely a 
> better solution than not having a real time feedback, but not the solution 
> I was looking for.

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