Ok, meanwhile I just realized there is ".componentIndecies" attribute. 
Somehow it was hidden. Now I have everything to recreate. Thanks!

2018. január 15., hétfő 11:05:34 UTC-8 időpontban Marcus Ottosson a 
következőt írta:
> Something I typically do when trying to figure out how to populate some 
> undocumented data member is to look at how Maya Ascii does it.
> For example..
>    - nconstraint.ma 
>    <https://gist.github.com/mottosso/6939efce5459c51130653d265220c82f> 
> ...
> createNode dynamicConstraint -n "dynamicConstraintShape1" -p 
> "dynamicConstraint1";
> ...
> connectAttr "dynamicConstraintShape1.evs" "nucleus1.is[0]";
> connectAttr "dynamicConstraintShape1.evc" "nucleus1.ic[0]";
> connectAttr "nComponent1.ocp" "dynamicConstraintShape1.cid[0]";
> connectAttr "nComponent2.ocp" "dynamicConstraintShape1.cid[1]";
> connectAttr ":time1.o" "dynamicConstraintShape1.cti";
> This is everything related to the constraint itself, and..
> ...
> createNode nComponent -n "nComponent1";
>     rename -uid "5CA944EE-46C7-5933-6EF2-70B733AACB38";
>     setAttr ".ct" 2;
>     setAttr ".el" 2;
> ...
> connectAttr "nComponent1.ocp" "dynamicConstraintShape1.cid[0]";
> ...
> connectAttr "nClothShape1.nuid" "nComponent1.obid";
> ...// End of temp.ma
> These are everything related to the nComponent. From here you might be 
> able to figure out how to replicate this with API calls.
> ​

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