
I am building a ui an I am using checkboxes to enable sliders. Currently 
selecting and deselecting checkboxes enables and disables my sliders which 
is all well and good but I am trying to get it so when I select a checkbox 
it disables all other checkboxes. I have the checkbox's command set to a 
different function which i use to to enable and disable the corresponding 
sliders. I tried using an if statement but it gives me an error," Error: 
RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 38: Object 'False' not found." 
Here is my code so far

class sliderWindow():

    def __init__(self):
        self.name = 'windtest'
        self.size = [500, 500]

        if cmds.window(self.name, exists=True):
            cmds.deleteUI(self.name, window=True)

    def windMain(self):

        main = cmds.window(self.name, widthHeight=self.size,sizeable=True)

        self.rBtn = cmds.checkBox(label='test1', enable=True)
        self.rLayout = cmds.rowLayout(nc = 3,enable=False)

        self.slider1 = cmds.floatSliderGrp(label = 'TestS1', field = True, 
min = 0.000, max = 1.000, value = 0.500, step = 0.001)
        cmds.checkBox(self.rBtn, e= 

        self.gBtn = cmds.checkBox(label='test2', enable=True)
        self.gLayout = cmds.rowLayout(nc=3,enable=False)
        self.slider2 = cmds.floatSliderGrp(label='testS2', field=True, 
min=0.000, max=1.000, value=0.500, step=0.001)
        cmds.checkBox(self.gBtn, e=True, cc=partial(self.changeBox, 


    def changeBox(self,widget,*args):
        if hasattr(self, 'currentState'):
            self.currentState = 
        self.currentState = cmds.rowLayout(widget,q=True,enable=True)

any help is appreciated. Thank you!

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