Hi everyone, I have a tool which utilizes QTabWidget and the tabs are 
populated with a list of keys from within a dictionary.
Each of the QMenu are equipped with 3 default options, with one of the 
option called `Add new item` where when User uses that option, a prompt 
dialog will popped up and adds in the user-inputted naming as a new menu 
option into the current QMenu of the tab (where the right mouse click 
happens on)

The problems that I am encountering right now is:
1. 2 of the default items in the QMenu are getting added more than once, 
depending on the number of right mouse clicks made on the tool within the 
2. no new item are added into the QMenu - after I added in a new name for 
the prompt > when performing another right-click, the menu is still showing 
the default items plus 2 additional default items as mentioned in #1

Even so, wondering if this is a possible scenario for tabs + qmenu(s)?
I asked this because when doing a google search online, it seems that QMenu 
is generally used as a generic menu (eg. multiple buttons adopts the same 
menu etc)

Or should I be adopting to use a different widget for my case?

This is my code - https://pastebin.com/raw/4nakpnm8

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