I am trying to do some animation baking on some controllers in which these 
controllers were constrained to locators for additional animation refining 

Some of the controllers are set with a keyframe in an animation layer.
Eg. ctrlA translation value in the said animation layer is at (10,10,10) 

When I tried using 'cmds.bakeResults` onto the said controller, to do the 
animation baking, as soon I remove the locators, the controller got snapped 
to another position. 
However if I mute that animation layer, the controller got snapped back to 
the 'correct' positioning/ incurring some weird rotational values  but yet 
I would not want to remove/ merge the animation layer to the base or 
removing that 1 keyframe in that layer.

And so my question is, while using 'bakeResults', is is possible to factor 
in the values of the animation layer while making sure the controller 
'stays' as how it should be before the baking?

I tried 'cmds.bakeResults(ctrl, time=(startFrame, endFrame), 
 disableImplicitControl=False))' which does not seems to work. If I 
introduce in the argument - 'removeBakedAnimFromLayer = True', while it 
does seems to work, it is removing that 1 keyframe I have set initially.

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