Hi Justin,

Many thanks for the input.
I have one more problem, trying to change the text in the progress bar.

And so, I did something like this:
def get_progress_bar(status_text, max_value):
        progress_bar = mel.eval("$tmp = $gMainProgressBar")
    except RuntimeError:
        progress_bar = None

    if progress_bar:
    return progress_bar

def anim_bake():
    main_progress_bar = get_progress_bar("Baking animation", len(ctrls)*5)
    for i in something:
        cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar, edit=True, step=1)
    cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar, edit=True, endProgress=True)

def set_attr():
    main_progress_bar = get_progress_bar("Setting Attrs", len(ctrls)*5)
    for i in something:
        cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar, edit=True, step=1)
    cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar, edit=True, endProgress=True)

When running my code, it seemingly, bypass one of the status text that I 
have made. Eg. First it displays `Setting Attrs`, but as soon as it starts 
to run `anim_bake`, instead of the text to showcase it as `Baking 
Animation`, there are times it either shows up blank, or even if I moved 
`anim_bake()` as a button, the text is still not shown.

At times, 'Baking animation' may be shown if I restart the tool.. Any ideas?

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