I've been playing around with adding menus to the UI and I've looked into 
doing it with maya.cmds, pymel and the Qt module itself.
This is not really a major issue, but I'd still like to understand how i 
could delete a menu from Maya's main window bar(File, Edit, Select, Create, 
etc.) by using the label name.
I created a menu item of my own and accidentally forgot to give it a name 
and to store the return in a variable. All it has is a label.
Besides using the Qt module I'm not sure how to get the menuitems from 
either PyMEL or maya.cmds.

For instance:
from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtCore
import shiboken2
import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui

winPtr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
mayaWindow = shiboken2.wrapInstance(int(winPtr), QtWidgets.QWidget)

#we got the MayaWindow pointer, now let's grab the QMenubar
menubar = ""
for child in mayaWindow.children():
    if isinstance(child, PySide2.QtWidgets.QMenuBar):
        menubar = child

itemToDel = ''
#then from this main menu bar, get the TopMenu Titles
for topmenu in menubar.actions():
    if topmenu.isVisible():
        if topmenu.text()=='My Menu':
            itemToDel = topmenu

So now I have the menu item in a QAction object. But unsure how I can use 
that to delete it.

Also is it good procedure to delete the submenus before deleting the main 
menu item?
Does it matter?

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