Luke Dunstan wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jeffrey Barish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 11:03 AM
> Subject: [PythonCE] Unicode default encoding
>> What is the correct way to set PythonCE's default Unicode encoding?  My
>> reading (Python in a Nutshell) indicates that I am supposed to make a 
>> change
>> to, but there doesn't seem to be a in PythonCE.  (The 
>> closest
>> I came is a site.pyc in  Nutshell suggests that in 
>> desperation
>> one could put the following at the start of the main script:
>> import sys
>> reload(sys)
>> sys.setdefaultencoding('iso-8859-15')
>> del sys.setdefaultencoding
>> This code solved the problem I was having reading and processing text that
>> contains Unicode characters, but I am uncomfortable leaving a desperation
>> solution in place.
>> -- 
>> Jeffrey Barish
> I don't think modifying would be a good solution, because if you 
> upgrade or reinstall python then the script will be overwritten. If you only 
> want to run your program on your own system then a better solution is to 
> create a file in your Python\Lib directory containing this:
> import sys
> sys.setdefaultencoding('iso-8859-15')
> If you want to distribute your program to other people though, you can't 
> expect them to change their default encoding so it is better not to rely on 
> the default encoding at all.
Yep, using unicode and explicitly encoding/decoding is a better approach.


> Luke
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