----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carlo Antonio Denaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pythonce@python.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 12:02 AM
Subject: [PythonCE] ne

> Hi to all developers,
> my name is Charles and im a student.
> I love python and i have a Nec Mobilepro 790 with
> wince 3.0 and linux (yeah!)
> i can use pythonce on this device?
> thanks :) and happy coding xmas

There may be an old version of PythonCE that runs on Windows CE 3.0, I don't 
know. The latest releases have only been tested on Pocket PC 2003 (Windows 
CE 4.2) and later. If you wish to submit patches to allow the latest release 
to run on WinCE 3.0 then that would be helpful. I can't comment on whether 
Python would run under Linux on your PDA.


> < Carlo Antonio Denaro a.k.a. Blackout > /.-./..-/---/
> < Linux User #374633 > [ >:-/ - evil ]
> * echelon suck usa poison gas terrorist Islam secret
> * rib attempted nuclear bomb attack bacteria unfaithful

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