
By the time I wrote pypoom, comtypes (version 0.3 if I remember well) worked out of the box on WinCe.

Sergei, if you send me your tweaked version of comtypes, I think I'll be able to replace your "comments" with more portable statements like :
If os.name == 'ce': ...
, or so.
And then submit a preliminary patch to Thomas

I've done the same on the only needed file '_safearray.py'.
All the parts not working on WinCE are skipped with a

if os.name != "ce" :

The file is from the 0.4.2 version of comtypes.

"""SAFEARRAY api functions, data types, and constants."""

from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
from comtypes import HRESULT, GUID
import os

##if __debug__:
##    from ctypeslib.dynamic_module import include
##    include("""\
##    #define UNICODE
##    #define NO_STRICT
##    #include <windows.h>
##    """,
##            persist=True)


VARTYPE = c_ushort
PVOID = c_void_p
USHORT = c_ushort

_oleaut32 = WinDLL("oleaut32")

class tagSAFEARRAYBOUND(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('cElements', DWORD),
        ('lLbound', LONG),

class tagSAFEARRAY(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('cDims', USHORT),
        ('fFeatures', USHORT),
        ('cbElements', DWORD),
        ('cLocks', DWORD),
        ('pvData', PVOID),
        ('rgsabound', SAFEARRAYBOUND * 1),

SafeArrayAccessData = _oleaut32.SafeArrayAccessData
SafeArrayAccessData.restype = HRESULT
# Last parameter manually changed from POINTER(c_void_p) to c_void_p:
SafeArrayAccessData.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY), c_void_p]

if os.name != "ce" :
    SafeArrayCreateVectorEx = _oleaut32.SafeArrayCreateVectorEx
    SafeArrayCreateVectorEx.restype = POINTER(SAFEARRAY)
    SafeArrayCreateVectorEx.argtypes = [VARTYPE, LONG, DWORD, PVOID]

SafeArrayUnaccessData = _oleaut32.SafeArrayUnaccessData
SafeArrayUnaccessData.restype = HRESULT
SafeArrayUnaccessData.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY)]

if os.name != "ce" :
    _SafeArrayGetVartype = _oleaut32.SafeArrayGetVartype
    _SafeArrayGetVartype.restype = HRESULT
    _SafeArrayGetVartype.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY), POINTER(VARTYPE)]
    def SafeArrayGetVartype(pa):
        result = VARTYPE()
        _SafeArrayGetVartype(pa, result)
        return result.value

SafeArrayGetElement = _oleaut32.SafeArrayGetElement
SafeArrayGetElement.restype = HRESULT
SafeArrayGetElement.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY), POINTER(LONG), c_void_p]

SafeArrayDestroy = _oleaut32.SafeArrayDestroy
SafeArrayDestroy.restype = HRESULT
SafeArrayDestroy.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY)]

SafeArrayCreateVector = _oleaut32.SafeArrayCreateVector
SafeArrayCreateVector.restype = POINTER(SAFEARRAY)
SafeArrayCreateVector.argtypes = [VARTYPE, LONG, DWORD]

SafeArrayDestroyData = _oleaut32.SafeArrayDestroyData
SafeArrayDestroyData.restype = HRESULT
SafeArrayDestroyData.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY)]

SafeArrayGetDim = _oleaut32.SafeArrayGetDim
SafeArrayGetDim.restype = UINT
SafeArrayGetDim.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY)]

_SafeArrayGetLBound = _oleaut32.SafeArrayGetLBound
_SafeArrayGetLBound.restype = HRESULT
_SafeArrayGetLBound.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY), UINT, POINTER(LONG)]
def SafeArrayGetLBound(pa, dim):
    result = LONG()
    _SafeArrayGetLBound(pa, dim, result)
    return result.value

_SafeArrayGetUBound = _oleaut32.SafeArrayGetUBound
_SafeArrayGetUBound.restype = HRESULT
_SafeArrayGetUBound.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY), UINT, POINTER(LONG)]
def SafeArrayGetUBound(pa, dim):
    result = LONG()
    _SafeArrayGetUBound(pa, dim, result)
    return result.value

SafeArrayLock = _oleaut32.SafeArrayLock
SafeArrayLock.restype = HRESULT
SafeArrayLock.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY)]
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex = _oleaut32.SafeArrayPtrOfIndex
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex.restype = HRESULT
# Last parameter manually changed from POINTER(c_void_p) to c_void_p:
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY), POINTER(LONG), c_void_p]
SafeArrayUnlock = _oleaut32.SafeArrayUnlock
SafeArrayUnlock.restype = HRESULT
SafeArrayUnlock.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY)]

if os.name != "ce" :
    _SafeArrayGetIID = _oleaut32.SafeArrayGetIID
    _SafeArrayGetIID.restype = HRESULT
    _SafeArrayGetIID.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY), POINTER(GUID)]
    def SafeArrayGetIID(pa):
        result = GUID()
        _SafeArrayGetIID(pa, result)
        return result

SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor = _oleaut32.SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor
SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor.restype = HRESULT
SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor.argtypes = [POINTER(SAFEARRAY)]
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