I must have screwed something up, but I can't retrace where. I'm  
running 10.4.1. I've installed wxPython 2.6.0. But:

1. when (from Terminal) I run Python (I get the Python 2.4.1 I  
installed from the framework distributable), and 'import wx' I still  
get wxPython version

2. if I try 'import wxversion' that module isn't found.

Obviously I've confused the paths, but I'm too confused myself to see  

(I also want the Tiger-distributed Python 2.3.5 to be able to call  
wxPython 2.6 rather than the seriously hobbled, and I'm not  
having much luck with that either.)

Charles Hartman

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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