Lee Cullens wrote:

>All well and good Robert (and no disrespect intended) - but to me  they seem 
>to be more interested in sending spam than alerting those  that do business 
>with them.

I've had a PayPal account since last year and have never received unsolicited 
mail from them. If you really are getting unwanted mails from PayPal (as 
opposed to scam mails that only pretend to be), check the Profile > 
Notifications settings for your PayPal account.

As for catching the phishing spam, they're dead easy to spot once you know what 
they are: like Nigerian 409s, they tend to follow pretty predictable patterns. 
Any mail with a subject line like "Paypal Team identified some unusual activity 
in your account" is already more or less a dead cert. The "Dear Anonymous 
Customer" introduction is another giveaway (real PayPal emails always address 
you by your real name), as is the "click this link to login" bit (something you 
should NEVER do, as PayPal themselves will tell you). Just forward with full 
headers to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you're feeling civic minded, and delete.

An additional trick might be to set up a separate 'private' email address 
solely for use with your PayPal account, and put a filter on your inbox that 
automatically marks as spam any message claiming to be from PayPal that arrives 
at any other address.


Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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