Chris Barker wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:
>>I disliked the implementation (undocumented, closed source SWIG bindings 
>>are largely unusable), so I wrote my own using Pyrex. I call it, 
>>unimaginatively, ABCGI, A Better CoreGraphics Interface. It is part of 
>>Kiva, Enthought's graphics library, and has served as "ground truth" for 
>>the other backends.
>>When I get some time, I'll break it out as a separate package.
> While we're on the topic, could Kiva be ripped out and used by itself? 

Certainly. To "rip it out," all you do is not import Chaco.  ;-)

> It could be a pretty cool lib for things other than Chaco. Also, what's 
> the status of Chaco on Linux and OX-X? It looked so promising, but has 
> kind of disappeared off the radar.

Neglected. :-)

Enthought's primary target has been wxPython 2.4 on Windows. However, 
there were some recent changes that should improve its outlook on OS X, 
at least. I haven't had a chance to try them out, yet.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter
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