Chris Barker wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:
>> I do interactive plotting with matplotlib all the time exactly as you 
>> describe.
> Robert, do you have any small demo programs that do this? I think it 
> would be a good thing to have out there. Perhaps the embedded_in_wx 
> examples already do this, but I haven't checked them out. At the moment 
> I primarily use matplotlib for generating PNGs for the web.

Not particularly. I use ipython in pylab mode. Louis's original request 
("to open some simple windows and draw/plot figures from data") fits 
matplotlib's interactive mode particularly well. Unfortunately, it 
doesn't make for good examples. The best thing to do is to install 
ipython and run "ipython -pylab" and play around a bit.

The important bit, of course, is ipython's GUI thread management. 
PyCrust also works (although you give up on ipython's other magnificent 
goodies). scipy's gui_thread might also work, but it has been obsoleted 
by ipython.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter
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