On Jul 4, 2005, at 6:23 AM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:

> Aldo --
> PyObjC classes (that is, Python classes that extend ObjC ones, like
> you're trying there) don't use the standard __init__ mechanism (at
> least, not in a useful way).  They do use the standard alloc/init
> mechanism from ObjC, so you're on the right track in your last try:
>>     def init(self):
>>         super.init(self)
>>         NSLog("init")
>>         self.speechSynth = NSSpeechSynthetizer.alloc
>> ().initWithVoice_(nil)
> The only think you're missing is a "return self" -- ObjC init methods
> always return self, so you have to do the same from PyObjC.

def init(self):
     self = super(PySayTextAppDelegate, self).init()
     return self

Also, READ THE DOCS and examples please, this is most definitely  
covered a thousand times :)


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