On 7-Jul-05, at 7:29 PM, Phil Christensen wrote:

> #################################
> # class defined in MainMenu.nib
> class ContentsTreeViewDelegate(NibClassBuilder.AutoBaseClass):
>     # the actual base class is NSObject
>     # The following outlets are added to the class:
>     # controller
>     # tableView
>     def init(self):
>         self.contents = []
>         return self

You should call your superclass init() here.  Bob Ippolito wrote  
about proper use of super on this list a few days ago, so I'm  
paraphrasing from him:

     def init(self):
      self = super(ontentsTreeViewDelegate, self).init()
      self.contents = []
      return self

>     def awakeFromNib(self):
>         self.tableView.documentView().setDataSource_(self)

You can (and perhaps should) set the data source in your nib using  

>     def numberOfRowsInTableView_(self, sender):
>         return (len(self.contents))
>     numberOfRowsInTableView_ = objc.selector(numberOfRowsInTableView_,
>                                              argumentTypes='O',
>                                              returnType='i')

I have never needed to use objc.selector.  I think this method should  
be OK without it.

>     def tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_(self, sender,  
> tableColumn, row):
>         if (len(self.contents) > row):
>             self.contents[row]
>     tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_ = objc.selector 
> (tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_,
> argumentTypes='OOi',
> returnType='O')

I think this may be the problem, you're not returning a value from  
this method.  Also, the value you return should inherit from  
NSObject, and you should keep a reference to it, because the  
tableView doesn't, IIRC.

> #################################
> but when I run the application I get:
> 2005-07-07 22:19:30.911 controller[7740] *** Illegal NSTableView  
> data source (<ContentsTreeViewDelegate: 0x11ac760>).  Must  
> implement numberOfRowsInTableView: and  
> tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:

I think this is due to you not returning a value from the method  
above.  Try it and see.

> Which I thought I had! Incidentally, I've also tried defining the  
> selector with and without the 'selector' argument, and I've also  
> tried using the 'signature' argument instead of the argumentTypes/ 
> returnType keywords.

You shouldn't need these, the PyObjC does a great job of hiding these  

> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> -phil christensen


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