Nicholas Riley wrote:
>>Which leads me to another idea: Can I tell OS-X that I DO want another 
>>instance of the app launched rather than raising an existing one? 

> You can do this (LaunchServices lets you multi-launch apps, or you can
> always execute the binary directly), but not from the Finder.


> However, you could do something slightly different, and closer to your
> first idea: embed the actual app inside the launcher app's
> bundle. Then start your real app, with an icon or not, when the
> launcher app runs; the launcher app would then exit.  If the launcher
> app notes that the real app is already running, then just open the
> page in the browser.
> The user would only see one app, and since the Finder in OS X no
> longer shows apps differently when they're open, they'd never know the
> difference.

I like this. Now I have to figure out how to put another app inside a 
Py2app'd bundle. The "main" app and the one inside would both be python 

It looks to me like a Py2app bundle has a little stub as the executable. 
Could I build two py2app bundles, of two different scripts, then just 
drag the executable from one into the other to get two in one, that 
would share all the resources?

I guess I'll go try.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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