Ronald Oussoren wrote:

> Before anyone starts coding, what should happen when you double-click
> on an egg? I'd say this should bring up a dialog that allows you to
> install the egg and possibly set some options. Installation will be done
> using easy_install.

That sounds good to me.

Does easy-install come with the new Universal build package? Or is a 
good first step to make a package out of that?

I'd like to start populating the world with Universal packages. I see a 
couple possible routes:

1) wait for Bob to finish Py2App (bdist_mpkg): I think he's indicated 
he's hoping to get that done this weekend.

2) build *.eggs, and hope someone comes up with a app to associate them 
with later. (and it the meantime they can be installed with the command 
line easy-install

3) just build them for myself, and wait until this settles out some 
more. Maybe start a Wiki page with a list of packages and an indication 
of what was needed to do to build them.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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