Louis Pecora wrote:
> I really do numerical calcs, but occasionally 
> need a simple GUI dialog or open a window to plot in (very simple)

Take a look at wxmpl. It helps you embed a matplotlib window in a 
wxPython app. It's pretty handy, once you get the hang of wxPython. 
Also, depending on what kind of data you are looking at, 
wx.lib.floatcanvas might be useful (shameless plug, I wrote it)

> I wish there were a way to keep the popup window with the 
> traceback info open, but it quickly closes and the app quits.  
> Redirecting found the error, but it is an extra step.

This is a BBEdit thing, really, I find it easiest just to run from the 
terminal command line, and see your tracebacks there.

For really simple stuff, you can just:

app = wx.App()
frame = Frame(image)

I'm pretty sure the default wx.App directs errors to the console.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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