On May 14, 2006, at 5:21, Marcin Komorowski wrote:

> Does anyone know what that status is of porting PyObjC to run on the
> new Intel Macs?
> I know that there has already been some amount of work done, but my
> attempts to run it on the new platform have failed.
> Should I be trying to be digging deeper into what I might be doing
> wrong, or is the port not complete?

I have been able to my small projects on my Intel-based MacBook Pro  
without incident.
So while that doesn't mean the port is perfect, it is fairly complete  
and solid.
There are a few endian issue in a few dark corners of the port which  
are being found and fixed.

A bit more specificity on the problems you are encountering on the  
Intel platform you didn't with the power-pc platform would be helpful.
It is hard to address a general complaint/query without specifics.  
Further, remember, no port is perfect--there are always bugs which  
decline in number and the frequency with which they are encountered  
but some are always there they are just the more obscure ones.

Daniel Lord
"You will never regret getting up too early,
and you'll always regret getting up too late,
but sometimes you may regret giving up too late."
                           -- Mountaineer's Adage

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