On 10/12/06, Jeff Rodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   is there a simple, current Python module for controlling the audio
> in/out devices on Mac OSX (Python 2.5, OSX 10.4.8, PowerMac at the
> moment but Intel is possible), preferably in/out simultaneously?
> I've visited the main sites and lists, I think, but not found a basic
> answer.  "audioop" in the Standard Library manipulates files but does
> not play/record, "ossaudiodev" does not seem to be included in the
> actual Python install although documented in the Standard Library
> manual, and I can't find a mac-targeted form of the "OSS" module over
> at 4Front.  Just want to play and record short files, (I'll take any
> format, .raw data or wav is fine) in real time for a acoustic
> application.
> I'm sure there's a straightforward answer, I'm just missing it.
> Thanks for any help!

I don't think so... last time I did audio input I needed to write my
own code in C and Objective-C that called back into Python. You might
want to look at something like JACK though. I've never used it, but it
looked promising a year or two ago: http://jackaudio.org/ --
separating out the audio into a separate process makes everything

Audio output is relatively easy, and can be done with pygame and
probably a few other libraries. If JACK works out, you wouldn't need
that though.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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