On 24-Jan-07, at 10:13 AM, David Woods wrote:

> Adding the path didn't help.  Calling "open -a TransanaHelp.app"  
> from the
> command line finds the app, and adding the full path makes is start  
> a bit
> faster.  But when the same call is made from within my bundled Python
> program (regardless of whether the path is included), I see the  
> following in
> the console:
> 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/Applications/Transana_2/TransanaHelp.app/Contents/MacOS/ 
> TransanaHelp",
> line 3, in ?
>     import sys, os
> ImportError: No module named os
> So it seems, if I'm interpreting this right, like Python's not able  
> to find
> its own modules under this particular scenario.  Line 3 of  
> TransanaHelp.py,
> by the way, is not the import statement shown here.  That line 3 is  
> of some
> internal Python routine that's not part of my code.

I had a problem like this when first moving from distutils-based  
setup files to setuptools-based setup files.  Getting the latest  
version of py2app may help.


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