Nicholas Riley wrote:

> I ran into a bug with py-appscript 0.17.2 (handling apps that had quit
> while you still had a reference to them) and updated to the current
> trunk.  This fixed this problem but broke some of my other code.  This
> code:
>         systemEvents = app(id='')
>         frontName = systemEvents.processes[its.frontmost][1].name()
> which worked fine with 0.17.2 doesn't work any more.  [...]
> It works if I use [its.frontmost == True], but that's kind of ugly.
> Is this intentional?

It's deliberate. From aem's History.txt:

        - byfilter method no longer accepts non-test specifiers as test  
clauses. Previously, a reference such as 'its.visible' would  
automatically be expanded to the comparison test 'its.visible.eq 
(true)' as a convenience. However, this shortcut didn't apply when  
these non-test references appeared as arguments to the AND and OR  
logical test methods, which meant that this shortcut behaviour was  
inconsistent and potentially confusing; therefore it has been  
removed. Users should update existing code as necessary.

While the automatic expansion was nice, leaving it as-was would go  
against appscript's policy of providing added user convenience only  
as long as it doesn't impact consistency/reliability, and adding it  
to AND and OR methods would have been tricky due to the way that  
appscript and aem interact. So it got yanked. Bit of a pity, but  
can't be helped.

BTW, note that there's a few minor but non-backwards-compatibile API  
changes happening for 0.18.0. (I know I declared the API finalised in  
0.17.0, but that was mostly in case Apple decided to use appscript in  
Leopard and once they didn't I decided to clean up some remaining  
warts. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience this may cause,  
etc.) See the aem and appscript History.txt files for details.



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