has wrote:

> As a long-term strategy for Python as a whole, sure. The above  
> suggestion was for Kevin as a solution to his own more immediate needs.

Well, my commercial Python application isn't going to break tomorrow if 
I don't remove the Carbon bits, but it seems the long-term tides are 
running even more strongly against Carbon than I realized:

--The removal of Carbon from the standard library in Python 3. I only 
depend on a little bit of this--the Carbon Help API's--but having that 
removed will require some adjustment.
-- Someone has announced plans to port Tkinter, the GUI toolkit I use, 
to run on top of Cocoa--but this will probably break a *lot* of 
Carbon-dependent Tk libraries that I and other developers use. (See 
--From a karma standpoint, Adobe has just announced that a Cocoa port of 
Photoshop is underway. (See 
http://blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2008/04/photoshop_lr_64.html. )

I've kind of halted work on new versions of my program for the time 
being to improve my facility with ObjC--because, at a minimum, I may 
have to write the kinds of wrappers that has suggested, for Python and 
most likely Tcl as well.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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