On Jun 5, 2008, at 23:42 PM, Abhiram Dwivedi wrote:


I want to know if its possible to build a standalone GUI app for Mac using python.

Yes it is.

I need to build some application and still going through pythong tutorials. It seems Cocoa is the only option,

Not true. wxPython, Tkinter, GTK, and others are all available. PyObjC/ Cocoa is Mac-only and the richest for a Mac-only app. There are trade- offs with every choice.

but I want to be sure before moving away from python.

Using PyObjC (or any GUI framework) is not moving away from Python--it is using a platform-specific GUI framework as a UI adjunct to Python and little different from wxPtyhon or Tkinter except in platform scope.

I need to integrate it with RSS and growl notifications as well.

I believe that can be done--try Googling for support: RSS is multi- platform while Growl is Mac-only.

Thanks in advance.


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