On 31/07/2008, at 17:40, Mike Covill wrote:

On 31-Jul-08, at 12:33 PM, Christopher Barker wrote:

Mike Keith wrote:
are my problems down to the fact that i'm using apple's python 2.5 to
build the .app?


if so, any advice on how to proceed?

Install the python.org python ,and use that to built your app -- it should then run on all systems >= 10.3.9


Corollary to installing python.org python (currently 2.5.2, I believe), how can I install and use the PyObjC version 2.0 for Leopard packages? I have tried downloading the subversion copy of PyObjC at "http://svn.red-bean.com/pyobjc/trunk"; and the script inside pyobjc fails (02-develop-all.sh). Is this script working for everyone else?

Any hints would be appreciated, thanks.

I would like to know this, and if anything else is going to stop working how to fix it. Leopard's default python has support for Instruments right? Is this supported on python.org build?

Leonardo Santagada

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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