Bill Janssen wrote:
There is a Python standard library module called "new", and the Mac
filesystem is case-insensitive...  Try doing

   % touch new
   % touch New
   % ls

case-insensitive, yet case-preserving -- weird. apparently the case preserving does effect *nix apps like python. You can:
import new

but not:

import New

but if it's called "new" on other systems, why was the OP having problems?

Matthew O'Meara wrote:

Thanks for your quick response, It seems like the issue is due to
running python in an X11 terminal.  It seems to run fine through
Terminal.  I don't know if I'll dig into the problem, but that at
least gives me somewhere to look first.

Are you sure you're running the same python from the X11 terminal as from Terminal? is your PATH the same? Have you installed fink, macports, or some other python?


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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