Hi All,

Some of you may remember me from almost ten years ago -- I used to be quite active, and even contributed substantially to the MacPython IDE way back in the day. Then I dropped out of the Python scene entirely. Let's call that my "dark age," and call what's happening to that now being "over." :)

So now I see that Python is installed on all Macs by default; this is cool. However, where are the Mac modules? Most of the references I find on the net point to dead links, or are woefully out of date. <http://docs.python.org/library/ > has only a few Mac-specific modules, and those are pretty meager -- just dealing with files and such. Where's the macspeech module, for example? (I tried "import macspeech" just for a lark, but it didn't work.)

- Joe

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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