Christopher Barker wrote:
Joe Strout wrote:
I'd heard good things about Wing IDE (including that it was written with wxPython,

I think it was written with pyGTK, actually, which explains why it's an X app, and why it's "awful" on a Mac.

Given that I'm Mr. wxPython I'm sometimes a bit embarrassed to admit that I've been using WingIDE more and more lately (transitioning from Emacs) instead of one of the wx-based editors. Almost every day I cuss at it for being so butt ugly on Mac and not being native, but I still keep on using it because I haven't yet found anything that comes close to beating it on features and functionality. The auto-complete is very thorough and useful, the debugger is excellent, and there is a ton of other goodness in there too. It makes working on a *very* large code base that was 99.5% written by someone besides me *much* easier to deal with than it would have been otherwise, so I just grit my teeth and live with the ugliness.

P.S. If anybody can convince Wingware to sponsor a wx port of WingIDE I know somebody who would be willing to work on it. ;-)

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman  Java give you jitters?  Relax with wxPython!

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