On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 12:15:37AM +0100, Jack Jansen wrote:
> I think the various other non-Applescript OSA implementations (what  
> was the name of that database-like package again?) don't count as  
> prior art for this patent because of the "automatically build glue  
> classes" clause, but the original MacPython OSA interfaces definitely  
> did that.

Frontier and its derivatives semi-automatically built glue scripts
(and mappings from names to constants, etc.), which it stored
statically in the object database.  Sometimes the glue scripts didn't
work properly out of the box and you had to edit them manually.

There's some discussion of the process here:


All that code is open-source now, for example the 'aete' parser is


Code from an earlier time.  How I miss Frontier...

Nicholas Riley <njri...@uiuc.edu> | <http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/njriley>
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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