On Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 09:52:26AM +0200, Steph-info wrote:
> Hi,
>       I have the following piece of code :
> """
>       @objc.IBAction
>       def chooseRec_(self, sender):
>               op = NSOpenPanel.openPanel()
>               op.setTitle_('Choisir un dossier')
>               op.setCanChooseDirectories_(True)
>               op.setCanChooseFiles_(False)
>               op.setResolvesAliases_(True)
>               op.setAllowsMultipleSelection_(False)
>               result = op.runModalForDirectory_file_types_(None, None, 
>               None)
>               if result == NSOKButton:
>                       self.pathRec = op.filename()
>                       self.pathField.setStringValue_(self.pathRec)
> """
>       which open an NSOpenPanel but I can't find how to change the default 
> "Open" and "Cancel" button's names.
>       Could anybody post a line of code demonstrating how to achieve this  
> task ?

op.setPrompt_('foo') will change Open.  Note that NSOpenPanel inherits
from NSSavePanel and a bunch of the API you might be looking for is in

I don't believe it's possible to change 'Cancel' (beyond localizing it).

Nicholas Riley <njri...@uiuc.edu>
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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