Hi all:
I'm trying to use aemreceive to allow one of my Python applications to
receive simple Apple Events. Here's the relevant code that installs the
event handler:
from aemreceive import *
def doScript(script):
exec script
('----', 'text', kae.typeUnicodeText)
The idea here is to allow the application to execute Python code in
response to an Apple Event.
I have included a simple SDEF file in the app bundle that adds the
appropriate command:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
<dictionary title="Python Terminology">
<suite name="Python Suite">
<command name="do script" code="miscdosc" description="Execute a
Python script.">
<direct-parameter description="Script to execute">
<type type="text"/>
<type type="text"/>
<result description="Result" type="text"/>
And, finally, in the info.plist file, I mark the application as scriptable.
However, when I try to open the application's AS dictionary in Script
Editor, the application is grayed out, showing that it is not
scriptable. Furthermore, when I run this script in Script Editor:
tell app "MyApp"
do script "print \"foo\""
end tell
I get this error:
"Expected end of line, etc. but found “script”."
Do I need to do anything else here, i.e. add anything else to
info.plist? Or log out/log back into to re-register the application with
the system?
I'm using Python 2.6.2 and Tk 8.5 on Leopard, with four-way builds of
both. The application is wrapped up with bundlebuilder because of my
continuing difficulties with py2app.
Any advice is appreciated...
Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin
Pythonmac-SIG maillist - Pythonmac-SIG@python.org