On 9 Feb, 2010, at 18:21, Christopher Barker wrote:

> Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>> The CPU architecture can also be deduced from sys.byteorder (if that's 
>> "little" your on i386, otherwise you're on ppc). 
> what about 32 vs 64 bit? Should that be reported by mac_ver() ?

Mac_ver currently doesn't report that, the result is always the 32-bit 
variation of the code that is running (that is, a ppc executable will always 
see ppc as the machine type, even when running on an Intel mac).

> Anyway, it looks like it would be pretty easy to re-write mac_ver().

Yes, and a bugreport with a patch would be appreciated (preferably before the 
start of 2.7 beta releases, that makes would make it easier to get the patch 


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