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In article <1266810052.4b81fcc464...@astrosun2.astro.cornell.edu>,
 Tom Loredo <lor...@astro.cornell.edu> wrote:
> I've tried installing an intel framework universal build of
> Py-2.7a3 on Snow Leopard 10.6.2 (i.e., i386 + x86_64).  I
> used this configure:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/tmp --enable-framework
> --with-framework-name=PythonAlpha  --enable-universalsdk=/ --
> with-universal-archs=intel
> $ which python
> /Library/Frameworks/PythonAlpha.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python
> $ python
> python: posix_spawn: python: Unknown error: 0
> I also tried directly executing (with full paths) python, python2.7,
> python2, and python-32 in the framework /bin/ directory, all with
> the same posix_spawn error.  I also tried directly executing those
> pythons in /usr/local/tmp, with the same result.
> Any ideas what is preventing the installed versions from running
> when the "make'd" version ran fine?  Are the non-standard paths
> an issue?  I don't want to install into the usual /usr/local
> paths, since I'm using homebrew to handle /usr/local.

Did you try building without using the --with-framework-name option?
That's not an option that gets tested much.  There should not be a need
to use it since different versions of python (2.6, 2.7, 3.1, etc) can
co-exist without problem in the same framework.  The only potential
issue are the unversioned symlinks in /usr/local/bin/, i.e.
/usr/local/bin/python will likely get overridden by the most recently
installed python 2.x.  Either adjust manually or stick to using the
versioned symlinks, /usr/local/bin/python2.7 etc. or set your PATH to
put the appropriate framework bin directory prior to /usr/local/bin.  If
it appears that the --with-framework-name option is the problem, please
open an issue on the python.org bug tracker.

  Ned Deily
  n...@acm.org  --  []

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