Aahz wrote:
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010, Dan Ross wrote:
I'm trying to call Imagemagick's convert through a subprocess from within
a bundled app.

Console.app is telling me that it can't find it in /bin/sh which stands to

I can change the "convert" command to "/usr/local/bin/convert" in the app
but then when convert calls Ghostscript (gs) it can't find IT in /bin/sh.



right, or the python bindings to Image Magic.

Anyway, that aside, there may be other reasons to call command line apps. I think your choices are:

1) hard-code the full paths
- but this will only work if every system you run it on has them in the same places.

2) set a PATH environment variable, with at least the standard path in it:


you may want to add some in there for macports or fink, too.

I suppose you could even import the users .bash_rc or something, and get it that way.

Depending on how you are calling the command line tools, there much be a way to set environment variables -if nothing else, add the:


right before your command.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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