Perhaps it would have been simpler to use the MacPorts package
manager, if you had it installed.
$ port deps py26-pyobjc
Full Name: py26-pyobjc @2.2
Build Dependencies:   py26-pyobjc2
Library Dependencies: py26-setuptools, py26-py2app

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Aahz <> wrote:
> [cross-posted to both pythonmac-sig and pyobjc-dev for max audience,
> Reply-To set to pyobjc-dev for discussion]
> I finally figured out how to build my app:
> Turns out that in order to use PyObjC 2.2 you need py2app 0.4.3 -- but
> PyObjC 1.4 needs py2app 0.3.6.  (PyObjC 1.4 is for the main app running
> on 10.4/10.5/10.6; PyObjC 2.2 is used for FSEvents on 10.5/10.6,
> previously PyObjC 2.2b2 for 10.5 only, but 2.2b2 doesn't work on 10.6)
> I built PyObjC 2.2 on 10.5 from source.  It's a right royal pain (partly
> because PyPI has no mechanism for downloading *source* dependencies), and
> I really hope that the next release of PyObjC makes it much easier to
> build from source.  (Or that binaries for 10.5 get included.)
> My clue that py2app was the issue was when I figured out that
> from Foundation import NSAutoreleasePool, NSMutableArray, NSString
> causing
> ValueError: Don't know CF type for typestr '^{__CFAllocator=}', cannot create 
> special wrapper
> only and always occurred in a build, not from plain Python, even on 10.6,
> meaning that PyObjC wasn't the problem.
> Incidentally, using py2app 0.4.3 with PyObjC 1.4 resulted in some error
> about corrupted NIB file that I didn't record exactly.
> Before someone asks how I can use both PyObjC 1.4 and PyObjC 2.2, I'm
> playing games with ~/Library/Python/2.6 being a symlink that gets swapped
> during the build process.  (Obviously, I end up with two different apps
> built.)
> --
> Aahz (           <*>
> "Many customs in this life persist because they ease friction and promote
> productivity as a result of universal agreement, and whether they are
> precisely the optimal choices is much less important." --Henry Spencer
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