On 5/15/10 7:24 PM, Chris Rebert wrote:
$ locate idlelib | grep def | grep extensions

Worked for me.

(and the obvious 2.5 and 2.3 variants)
(since I use Fink)

Hmmm. That worked, after I generated the locatedb file. Guess it's been a looooong while since I've used this laptop in anything resembling a Unix-y fashion ;) I hadn't even thought about using 'locate'. Anywho, this is what I got:

macbook:~ monte$ locate idlelib | grep def | grep extensions
/Applications/Komodo Edit.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/idlelib/config-extensions.def
macbook:~ monte$

This might be another exceptionally dumb question... but is there a (simple) way to get Finder to actually search the *whole* hard drive when I want it to - including /System and such? 'Cuz the /Applications/sage/.../config-extensions.def file showed up in a search of the 'whole hard drive' in Finder, and another file that didn't even show up here (but it was in a folder in my home directory...). All the other files, even the ones under /Applications (like the sage directory) didn't show up at all?



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