Matthias Baas wrote:
Christopher Barker wrote:
great -- are any of them running 10.4?

I have little time, but here is the short version:

The goal is to get a PIL binary that is statically linked to all of its
dependencies, and those dependencies are all universal (32 bit PPC and
Intel) and linked against the 10.4 sdk (or even the 10.3 one...)

Finally, I had some time to have a go at this. It builds fine and it
says that every component is available but when I run it
seems that some stuff is missing:

*** PIL CORE support not installed

That sure doesn't look good!

*** TKINTER support not installed
--- JPEG support ok
--- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support ok
*** FREETYPE2 support not installed
*** LITTLECMS support not installed

neither do those.

Running selftest:
--- 57 tests passed.

The files,, are all
available, so I can't say what exactly went wrong with the test.

what about -- that's the key one.

This is my full set of libs:

Look again at the output when you build -- there's got to be an error in there somewhere. And do make sure you clean out the "build" dir before trying again.

So it looks like my build is not really ready for distributing.

nope -- but thanks for workign on it -- I hope yu keep at at. sorry I don't have any answers for you.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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