Shashwat Anand <> wrote:

> I have Intel machine (2.53 GhZ, 4gb Ram) with Snow Leopard running on
> it and the system is 'ON' 24x7 with an average uptime of 1 month. I
> guess I can use mine to run the buildbots.

That sounds great!  Just install the buildbot software (see "Installing a build slave" for
instructions), then send a note to Martin for a buildbot name.  You can
use the system Twisted and system Python to run buildbot.

You have to look at the buildbot machine every week or so to see if
there are hanging tests you might want to kill manually.  I'm not sure
why the regression testing software doesn't time out after a day or so,
but it doesn't.  Use "ps auxww | grep regrtest" to identify tests.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

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