On 12 Jul, 2010, at 22:39, Russell E. Owen wrote:

> py2app 0.4.3's matplotlib recipe includes:
>    mf.import_hook('pytz.zoneinfo', m, ['UTC'])
> This has two incompatibilities with the current version of pytz:
> - zoneinfo is a data directory but not a package (no __init__.py)
> - UTC is not a python file (it is called UTC, not UTC.py)
> Removing the line listed above from the recipe fixes the problem -- it 
> allows my build to complete, and the resulting application includes 
> pytz with its zoneinfo directory and data files).

I'lll remove the line.

> But it also loses the test for the presence of pytz, which may be a bad 
> thing (if so, it should also test for dateutils, right?).
> I'm curious: is the line in question supposed to do more than test if 
> pytz exists? If it only tests if pytz works then why does it have such 
> detail about the internals of pytz? If it does more (e.g. add pytz files 
> to the bundled application), then why did my fix work?

I have no idea.  The line has the same effect as an import of pytz.zoneinfo.

Maybe a previous version of matplotlib imported pytz without using an
import statement (either by calling __import__ or by doing the import from
C code), but that's just a guess and not based on any knowlegde about


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