I used "pip install zope.interface".

-- Russell

On Jul 22, 2010, at 7:05 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

On 21 Jul, 2010, at 22:24, Russell E. Owen wrote:

A py2app-built application stopped building properly recently after
various upgrades. It would fail immediately on startup complaining that it could not find zope.interface. The app uses Twisted, which is why it
needs zope.interface.

I tried adding "zope" or "zope.interface" to "packages", but neither
worked (in particular, the latter resulted in a traceback during the

What did work was to add a blank __init__.py file to the "zope"
directory in site-packages. But I don't know why that was useful. (I
realize it makes zope into a package, but I don't know why that was
necessary because zope.interface can already be imported from the
command line -- presumably due to a pth file).

How did you install zope.interface? Basically which easy_install or pip command-line did you use to install?

I guess the nspkg.pth ensures that zope.interface can be imported without an __init__ file and py2app doesn't parse those files (or doesn't understand how to do so). If I can reproduce the problem I can (and will) fix it.


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