HI folks,

I'm trying to test the latest py2app updates. However, easy_install is failing in a number of places. I'm trying:

easy_install py2app==dev

but get errors in the modulegraph dependency.

When I install modulegraph==dev, I get errors in the altgraph dependency.

If I install altgraph, then modulegraph, then py2app, the first two go OK, but I get:

No local packages or download links found for modulegraph>=0.8

and, indeed, the modulegraph that installed with modulegraph==dev is:

>>> modulegraph.__version__

I'll keep plugging away, and maybe do a straight non-setuptools install, but it would be nice if this could get cleaned up.

I'm a bit lost when it comes to setuptools, so I'm not sure I can work out a patch.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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